Steve Chew: recognition of service
At Mercia Learning Trust, one of our strengths is the high quality governance the trust and schools has.
Steve Chew has recently stepped down as Chair of Governors at Newfield School following a long period of voluntary support for the school and trust. Steve started at Newfield School on the IEB commission by the local authority in 2011/12. Following this, Newfield joined the trust as a sponsored school with support from King Ecgbert School. Steve became Chair of Governors in 2015, including some time as Trustee of the trust.
Under his leadership as Chair, the school has achieved great things and has become a school the community deserves. The expertise he provided to the school, the leadership team and staff has been exceptional; initially being part of the IEB, becoming a Trustee, fully reconstituting as an academy local governing body, supporting recruitment and providing development and guidance to colleagues to become strong governors. Not only is the school consistently “good”, but the transformation of the Local Governing Body has been remarkable. We acknowledge the continued support to succession planning and would like to thank Steve Chew for his contribution to the Trust and in particular, the Newfield School Local Governing Body.